A Number 1 Rule: This is Syber's site.
Anything that anyone has or can do is by virtue
of her allowing it. At anytime, for any reason, Syber can take away everything - your name,
your access, your room, whatever. Syber can also at any time change any and/or all rules
The point is, everything you have is a privilege and not a right. Unless someone pushes her,
this typically will not be an issue. We just want it to be clear from the get go that it is true.
Cyber-sex: Psyberghost is not here to give you a place to engage in cyber-sex.
If what you're posting is the kind of thing most people would not do in front of
their parents, don't do it here.
This applies to posts in rooms, both whispered and public, and to messages left using
our Answering Machines.
Flooding: With the exception of the Site owner, or any individual who specifically
acquired the previous permission of the Site owner, anyone who repeatedly posts
something (be it graphics or text) is deemed to have Flooded.
Though all Flooding is unwelcome, the punishment will vary based on the intent:
Flooding to remove another's objectionable material from a room - if valid, punishment
might be restricted to a reprimand. Multiple offenses will increase the punishment.
Flooding to remove your own objectionable material from a room - you can expect some
punishment beyond a reprimand. Multiple offenses will increase the punishment.
Flooding to disrupt a room, whether the room is currently in use or not - you can
expect to be kicked or some other adverse admin action. Multiple offenses will
increase the punishment.
Flooding to disrupt the site, whether the site is currently in use or not - you can
expect to be banned from the site or put on KOS.
Language: We at Psyberghost do not have any specific language limitation but do
keep in mind that our site is not limited to those of an adult age.
Minors: Any minor that may converse or lurk (watch without participating) at our site will
be deemed to have acquired parental, guardian, or other legally responsible individual's
permission for same.
Personal Fights: If you want to fight with someone, take it somewhere else. If you have a fight
with someone somwhere else, do not bring it here. That's pretty clear, right...?
Racial Remarks: Clearly the web is international in nature. As such, no derogatory racial
remarks are exceptable. If you've predjudices, you should maybe find somewhere that will cater
to those predjudices since we're not it.
Room Access: Admins (Site Admin, Room Owners, and Room Admin) are expected to have a valid reason
to remove a user from or restrict a user's access to any rooms. Not liking a user is not a valid
reason. Having a problem with a user that has not been evidenced on this site (e.g. fighting
with someone on AIM or at another site).is not a valid reason.
Room Disclaimers: Each of our rooms will have a disclaimer page showing more specific rules,
perhaps including, but not limited to, a preferred rating. Anyone entering a room will be
deemed to have read and understood the disclaimer page and accepted its rules and
behaviour limits.
Room Ratings: Anyone behaving or conversing in a room at a level unacceptable for that room's
rating can be subject to actions designed to prevent that.
Violence: Clearly a sign of our times, RP violence is reasonably acceptable. If you
attempt to engage in depictions of intended real-life violence, keep it to yourself.
Real-life threats against an individual are considered to be violence.
Finally, giving a Site Admin grief for doing their job is not acceptable. If you have a
problem with a Site Admin, notify someone up their chain of command about the problem. For Security,
that means notify HeadSecurity. For Graphics, that means notify HeadGraphics. For any other Site
Admin (including HeadSecurity, HeadGraphics, and Webmaster), notify Syber or Lupus. If your problem
is with Syber or Lupus, clearly you should try frequenting another site.
By virtue of logging into this site or any of it's rooms, any user OR, in the case of
a minor or anyone otherwise unable to be held legally accountable for decisions, then their
parent, guardian, or other legally responsible individual, are deemed to have read, understood,
and accepted all of the rules and disclaimers.